Crystals chakra balancing is the process by which crystals are placed on the relevant chakra point in order to help to balance out the appropriate chakra.
What are Chakras?
Chakras were first spoken about in an ancient text known as ‘the Vedas’ which was written in around 1500BC.
The word chakra comes from Sanskrit and translates to ‘wheel’.
The chakras of the body therefore are spinning wheels of energy that rotate in harmony with the rest of our bodily energies. When a chakra is overactive, there is too much energy flowing through it and therefore causing an imbalance within your chakras. When a chakra is underactive, it means that there is a lack of energy flowing through it and it is blocked.
The 7 bodily chakras run the length of the spine and up into the head. Each chakra has its own name, color, body-type, and characteristics which are as follows:
Root Chakra: “Muladhara” – this chakra is represented by the color red and is found at the base of the spine. This chakra focuses on grounding and is the chakra of basic trust and basic functions such as food, shelter and support.
When your root chakra is overactive there will be disharmony in regard to your place in the world. You might feel angry and impatient with the world.
Similarly, an underactive root chakra can also seriously affect your wellbeing.
An underactive root chakra can also lead to feelings of fear or anxiety.
Physical ailments that can result due to an unbalanced root chakra include back problems, circulatory problems, feet and leg problems and co-ordination and dizziness. Crystals used to help to balance out the root chakra include ones in the red spectrum such as ruby, red jasper, garnet, agate, bloodstone and carnelian. However crystals that are brown such as bronzite, black such as black tourmaline, obsidian or clear can also be used and in fact any crystal can be used when programmed to help balance out the root chakra.
Sacral Chakra: “Svadhisthana” – this chakra is represented by the color orange and is located between the pubic bone and the belly button. This chakra focuses on sexuality and creativity. It is known as the seat of the emotional body and is referred to as the lower emotional aspect.
When this chakra is blocked or imbalanced you can be left feeling very confused about who you are and disconnected from yourself.
You may feel blocked off from loving and accepting yourself and this can affect the confidence you have in yourself as well as your self-acceptance and your self-worth. Physically imbalance can result in tension and pain in the lower back, digestive problems of the lower intestine or bladder or kidney trouble. It can also cause impotence or frigidity and menstrual pain and irregular periods. Suppressed emotions can get locked into our muscle structures and subtle energy systems which can manifest as anxiety, anger, frustration and aggression instead of playfulness and creativity.
Crystals used to help to balance out the sacral chakra include ones in the orange spectrum such as amber, orange calcite, topaz, tiger’s eye, citrine quartz, sun stone and copper. However any crystal can be used when programmed to help balance out the sacral chakra.
Solar Plexus Chakra: “Manipura” – this chakra is represented by the color yellow and is situated in the upper abdomen. This chakra is the seat of confidence and power. It connects to the mental body and is known as the lower mental aspect. A blocked solar plexus chakra may lead you to think you are not important, special, or valuable. An overactive solar plexus chakra may have the effect of unconscious expression of ego which can include being completely lost and self-absorbed with no regard for interconnection or authentic self-acceptance.
When this chakra is balanced it can help to bring you into a healthy relationship with your ego.
A healthy ego can look like balance, self-love, radiant confidence, and genuine humbleness instead of jealousy, disconnection or competitiveness.
This energy center plays a huge role in the embodiment of willpower and tenacity.
When you have an imbalance in your solar plexus chakra it may seem as though you don’t have enough energy to do everything you want to do or even everything you need to do.
The solar plexus is the chakra that we use to direct our life force energy and so when this chakra is blocked our vital energy flow is misdirected or blocked off. At a physical level the yellow vibration is related to the immune system, recognition of significant danger, the skin, nervous system and allergic reactions.
Again the yellow shades of crystals such as tiger’s eye, citrine, carnelian, lemon quartz, heliodor and amber can help but once more any crystal can be programmed to help to balance out this chakra.
Heart Chakra: “Anahata” – this chakra is represented by the color green (love) (occasionally pink (unconditional love)) and is found in the centre of the chest near the human heart. It is the seat of compassion, love, and forgiveness. At a physical level an imbalance of the heart chakra is associated with problems with the heart, lungs, diaphragm and the arms and hands.
The green shades of crystals are good for balancing out this chakra such as calcite, aventurine, dioptase, jade, peridot, malachite, tourmaline, calcite, moss agate, emerald and garnet and also the pink shades are very good for balancing out this chakra and rose quartz is a lovely crystal to use for this purpose together with the crystals of rubellite, rhodonite, rhodocrosite, kunzite, cherry opal, coral and thulite. Again any crystal can be programmed to help to balance out this chakra.
Throat Chakra: “Vishuddha” – this chakra is represented by the color blue and is found in the throat area. The throat chakra is the centre of communication and is the higher physical aspect known as the etheric template. Blue can create a flow that helps understanding, empathy, appreciation and acceptance. At a physical level the colour blue connects with imbalance of the neck, throat, face, ears, eyes, nose, mouth and forehead.
The blue crystals work really well to help balance out this chakra. Some of these crystals are celestite, blue topaz, aquamarine, blue lace agate, blue calcite, lapiz lazuli, blue quartz, blue tourmaline, kyanite, sapphire and azurite. Again any crystal can be programmed to help to balance out this chakra.
Third Eye Chakra (Brow): “Ajna” – this chakra is represented by the color indigo and is found between the eyes. This chakra is all about intuition, imagination, and awareness and is connected to the celestial body known as the emotional aspect. Again the blue spectrum colour crystals work well with this crystal along with amethyst and sodalite and any crystal can of course be programmed to help to balance out this chakra.
Crown Chakra: “Sahasrara” – this chakra is most commonly represented by the color violet but may also be represented by the color white. The crown chakra is the seat for intelligence and spirituality. It is known as the causal body or the mental aspect. Physically this relates to the head and the functioning of the brain. The violet spectrum crystal helps to balance the crown chakra including amethyst, fluorite, sugillite, charoite, tanzanite, ioline or water sapphire, lepidolite and kunzite. The white and clear crystals can also be used such as snow quartz, clear quartz (though this quartz is, in any event, a good all round crystal which can be used for all the chakras) and selenite. You could also include goldstone in this list too. Again any crystal can be programmed to help to balance out this chakra.